JewQ Shabbaton -
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JewQ Shabbaton

  • Jew Q Shabbaton Friday Sept 6th- Shabbat Sept 7th 2024

  • We are pleased to provide you with the details for your child's Jew Q Shabbaton.

    This Shabbaton will be a wonderful celebration of the program for the children and their families, and we look forward to a wonderful experience.

    The program includes a Friday night dinner, followed by a special overnight program for the children. 

    The children will have the opportunity to experience a whole Shabbat in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with special programs and workshops over the weekend. Full care and supervision will be provided.

    The Shabbaton will be held at Moorabbin Shule and L’Chaim Chabad – Youth Centre and the children are to arrive at the Shul at 5.15pm on Friday, 6th September.  Candle Lighting is 5.45pm. The Friday night service will commence at 6pm followed by a Shabbat meal. 

    Chlidren are expected to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, pajamas, personal belongings and modest Shabbat clothing. Please do not send your child with personal electronic items and mobile phones.* All food and nosh will be provided. The program will be followed after Shabbat by a bowling trip to Zone Bowling Moorabbin on Saturday night, returning to the youth centre for the finale and awards and the children can be picked up after 8.30pm. 

    For catering purposes, we need to know the numbers attending as soon as possible. If you can please register by the latest Friday 30th August it would be greatly appreciated.

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries. Looking forward to sharing this wonderful experience with you.

    *If your child would like to bring their device, we will store it away safely during Shabbat. 
    *Parents are welcome to join us on Shabbat morning. Detailed schedule of activities will be sent. 

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  • *As always, all are welcome. In case of financial difficulties please contact Leah on 0425 844 050

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