Yizkor Book 5784 (2023-24)
Every year our congregation has published a Yizkor book, including information about Yizkor, the Yizkor service in Hebrew, English and Russian and a list of names to be remembered in our communal prayers.
The Yizkor Book is used at the YomKippur, Shmini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot Yizkor services.
See here for a list of names in last year's (2022-23) book.
This year we will again be publishing a new and enhanced Yizkor Book, which we will be available in time for Yom Kippur. All names in our Yizkor Book will be recited during the Yom Kippur Yizkor Services and we will recite all the names again on all the Yomtovim throughout the coming year.
We invite you to submit your departed relative’s names to be included in the booklet. To ensure the Yizkor Book is finished in time to be sent out for Yom Kippur, please complete this form online as soon as possible. Names must be submitted no later than COB Thursday September 14th.
It has become the practice to make an offering to the Synagogue in the memory of those being remembered at Yizkor. We suggest a donation of $36 per name to be included in the booklet, or an amount of your choice.