Megillat Esther, “The Scroll of Esther,” is a firsthand account of the events of Purim, written by the heroes themselves—Esther and Mordechai.

The megillah is read twice in the course of the festival: on the eve of Purim, and during Purim day. It is read in the original Hebrew from a parchment scroll.

Sat evening March 23th

Follow here for Purim Party for Teens! 
 8.25pm - Megillah Reading @ MHC Megilah - Muchnik and kids activities. 

Sunday March 24th

7.15 am Morning Services @ MHC 

7.40 am Megillah Reading @ MHC 

11-1pm Family celebration

12pm Megillah Reading @ Purim Event.

5.15pm Megillah Reading at Moorabbin Shul.

Kids in costumes, and Adults too! 

To arrange a private Megillah reading for a homebound individual, please email [email protected] or call 9553 3805